Another DREADFUL ad
Readers may recall that I wanted to bring attention to some of the abominable advertising that occasionally pops up like a boil on the derrieres of our common attention. One such festered during March Madness--for Holiday Inn, in which people taking advantage of HI's "sumptuous" breakfast bar seem to liken the experience to people in recovery (one woman refers to a guy heaping scrambled eggs on his plate as the "designated driver" who, chagrined as he puts the egss back in the pan, then says he doesn't "need breakfast to have fun.") Not to be outdone, another person later torments the driver in the car with a muffin of some sort.
Unless I misinterpret, this seems to liken breakfast to a form of addiction that one must wrestle with every day. Talk about funny! I mean, fall down hilarious!! What better butt of humor than folks fighting an ongoing poison?
Anyone else have their eyes stung with this scheiss?
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