Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Links that matter

The other day, my wife mentioned a business website she knew geared to autistic children. On the site, they had links to, among others, the Autism Society of America. Her point was: what parent with an autistic child wouldn't already know about the Autism Society of America?

Her observation is valid. Far too often, the links provided on business and financially-based websites mean well but are far too run of the mill. If nothing else, they come across as somewhat lazy--the first links that popped into your head.

If your business has a website and you offer links, give them some thought. Rather than offering links to mainstream sites that visitors to your website will likely know about already, direct them to out of the way places they may be unaware of--but which may be no less helpful and informative than more popular destinations. It's subtle, but it's a way to make your website--and you--establish an attitude that's willing to take the extra step to offer genuinely helpful and fresh direction.



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